Trillium Curling Camp Update 2020/21

Trillium Families!

CurlON and the Trillium Curling Camp are reaching out to you, former and future Trillium Campers to give you an update on what’s going on with the camp! 

In the fall of 2020, we sent out a survey to find out what we could do to make the camp as great as possible. A big thank you to all who responded! We were truly overwhelmed by the volume of responses and by the thoughtful consideration we received regarding what’s working well and what can be improved. Rest assured, we have taken your responses and reviewed them thoroughly. 

We have taken this pandemic-impacted year to do a review of the camp operations. One of our primary objectives is to preserve the spirit of the camp, and enhance certain aspects based on the feedback we received. Committees consisting of coaches and subject matter experts have been put together to do this review, and to make sure we get it right. These efforts have been underway since the results of the survey came in.

As you all know very well, the COVID-19 pandemic situation is constantly changing. The planning is underway for our usual full two weeks of camp, and we are going to continue with those plans. The reality is that we are not sure Trillium will be allowed to run this summer, or when a decision on it can be made. Rest assured, we are still planning for a full camp in hopes that it will be safe to do so. Currently there is no plan to move the camp from Waterloo.  We are very thankful for our partnerships with Wilfrid Laurier University and the KW Granite Club, and intend to continue working with them for the foreseeable future.  

If the full camp is able to run this summer, we are targeting the following dates:

Week A – Aug. 8 – 13, 2021

Week B – Aug. 15 – 20, 2021

In a normal year, registration for Trillium would already have opened; however, we did not feel this was considerate or realistic given the current situation. Updates will be announced on our social media pages –  follow us on Facebook (@TrilliumCurlingCamp), Instagram (@trilliumcurlingcamp), and Twitter (@TrilliumCamp).  Stay tuned for more information soon!  There will be an update regarding registration in the next couple of weeks so please keep checking back on our social media and website!

We sincerely hope you’ll all make Trillium a part of your summer when it’s safe to do so. In the meantime, if anyone has questions, please email Sean Turriff –